Three Graces Art Collective

Laura Cullen Cohen paints dreamlike abstract landscapes in oil on canvas. She began painting as an outlet for healing and imagination following a family health crisis while her children were young. Her work creates an alternate world where beauty transcends the mundane human experience.
Laura Cullen Cohen | @lauracullencohen | http://
Meaghan Miller Lopez is an abstract painter based in Los Angeles. Her layered and intuitive paintings address states of consciousness, and draw from the experience of temporarily losing cognitive function following a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in May 2017. Miller Lopez earned a BA in Studio Art from UC Irvine and a BFA in Ceramics from California State University, Long Beach.
Meaghan Miller Lopez | @touchstonestudio | http://
Eris Sharon is a mixed media artist based in Los Angeles. In addition to paint Sharon uses alternative materials such as plasticine to break the 5th wall of the painted surface. Her work involves combining elements of pop icons to address themes of feminism and pop culture. Sharon earned her BA in Fine Art from Brandeis University.
Eris Sharon | @erisponsible | http://