You + Your Creative Business

Are you looking for support in pursuing your creative path? I have opened a few spaces to offer 1-1 advisory on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on your needs. 

During our sessions you'll have access to the all resources I bring to the table, including over 15 years in marketing and sales, over a decade of study and coaching transformational programs and my innate ability to connect you with your purpose and realize your vision.   

Advisory includes:

Human Design Reading 

Assessment of your business, marketing and strategy

Integrating your Human Design into your business practices

Setting goals & milestones aligned with your design

Bring clarity to your decision making process

Telling your Story

Ideal Client 




Copywriting + Editing




"Working with Meaghan has been life changing. I finally understand who I am and what I was put here on earth to do.

Human design has allowed me to understand my unique system and strengths, so I now know how to make decisions from a place of personal power and am 100% clear on my role in the world.

Before working with her I was kind of in a slump, unsure of my next step in life or how I was supposed to make things happen. Now that I know I’m a manifestor everything makes sense not just moving forward but looking back. Meaghan was able to intuit and read all my struggles and strengths and offer me advice for how to better work with them.

If you’re on the fence about having a reading don’t think twice. I wish I would have known about human design years ago! Everything would have been much easier for me."

Over the last 6 months I've discovered the Human Design system, which combines Western Astrology, the chakra system, kabbalah and the i-ching. It came about in the late 80's and has been recently surging into the awareness of modern creatives.

This system immediately fascinated me, and I could hardly help myself from offering readings to people who crossed my path, using the insights from their charts to help them resolve confusion, take right action and increase their sense of joy and ease for being exactly the way they are.


As I'm offering a unique 1-1 advisory for women, combining your unique Human Design with a month of personalized weekly sessions that allow you to dive deep into how to navigate into the unknown and take meaningful actions to manifest what's important to you. 




When I discovered my Human Design type and delved into my chart, I found self-acceptance, confidence, and ease with who I am and what I'm here to do in this lifetime.

This system immediately fascinated me, and I could hardly help myself from offering readings to people who crossed my path, using the insights from their charts to help them resolve confusion, take right action and increase their sense of joy and ease for being exactly the way they are.

I also discovered that I have an innate understanding of the system and I love to share what I can see.

Using your birth information, Human Design offers you a map by which you can restore your confidence in your authentic self and learn to interact with the universe to manifest what you want in life with ease.

Are you a Generator, Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Projector or Reflector?

You can go now to and find out, but you'll probably get stopped pretty quickly.  Up till now the way this information has been presented makes it very hard to integrate it into your own life.

For instance, here's a mandala style representation of a chart. I mean, can you get more complicated? Tell me what you


How I read your Human Design Chart:

My approach to reading your chart is a synthesis from 25 years of transformational and metaphysical studies. My ability to intuitively read for you is enhanced by my (awesome and life-changing) brain injury of May 2017, which connected me to a high plane of consciousness and non-representational way of knowing. 

During your 50 minute Foundational reading, you'll find out:

    • your energy type and how the universe prefers to work with you
    • your life strategy and the authority that guides your decision making
    • where in your energy system you're defined
    • where you're most susceptible to conditioning and the influence of others
    • how to identify your conditioning and restore your authenticity
    • how to grant yourself permission to live your design



Human Design Offerings

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